Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Little Disappointing

On November 7th, there was a networking event that I was able to attend with a bunch of my classmates. The networking event was set up through the university and it was all alum from Slippery Rock. It was specifically for the school of business and the school of health, environment, and science. I went expecting at least one alum to be from the sports industry, but to my dismay, there wasn't a single alum that had experience within the sports industry.

Pretty disappointing but I tried to make the best of it.. But some of the alum just didn't know what to talk about when I introduced myself as a sport management major.

On the plus side, I was able to bond and network with the sport management students that were also able to attend and the food wasn't half bad either :)

1 comment:

  1. I also attended this event and i agree it was very disappointing not being able to network with anyone in the sport industry. Personally I feel like it was a waste of not only my time but also the time of the people I did talk to. I also agree with you that bonding with my fellow sport management majors was a plus.
